Van Go Painting provides our customers with the best painting service they have ever known. We ask all of our customers to let us know how well we met your expectations. Like you, we want things that commonly go wrong to be covered under warranty. As a company, we believe that the ordinary issues that may go wrong with products or services should be covered by warranty. When our name is on the project, we want it to look good long term. Our reputation depends on it. Our warranties are an extension of our highest quality craftsmanship, and they cover any issue with the workmanship during the duration of your warranty. We will ensure and correct the affected paint area at zero cost to you. We stand behind our work because our reputation depends on it.
Warranty Eligibility
- Pay the full contract price.
- Retain a copy of the original invoice.
- Complete the customer survey and return it to the office or the project manager.
Our Warranty Covers
- Cost of materials
- Cost of labor
Our Warranty Does Not Cover The Following
- Any work where Van Go Painting did not supply the paint or other materials.
- Any work that was not performed by Van Go Painting.
- Normal wear and tear.
- Abnormal use or misuse.
- Cracking in drywall, plaster, or wood.
- Peeling or blistering caused by pre-existing paint, settling, structural defects, moisture content of the substrate, or new cedarwood.
- Varnished surfaces.
- Galvanized metal surfaces.
- Exact paint match. Conditions can affect the color and finish of paints over time.
- Defective paint. If a product is deemed defective, WE with the local paint representatives to solve the problem.
- Damage or defects caused by extreme weather conditions, misuse, alterations, abuse, vandalism, negligence, fire, explosion, flood, acts of God, or any other similar causes beyond the control of Van Go Painting.
- Repairs to horizontal surfaces such as decks, railings, stairs, porches, roofs, and gutters.
- Bleeding caused by knots, rust, or cedar.